
作者: 发布时间: 2018-11-07 浏览次数: [ ]






-     实习报酬  

-      实习地点:南山区欧洲城宜家家居3F    

-     自付3元,享受员工营养工作餐  

-     每日下午三点水果FIKA    

-     开放融洽,尊重个人的工作氛围和公司文化  

-     近距离了解宜家供应链运作,体验北欧公司文化  




Job Description of Sustainability Development Intern



Roles and responsibility


·         Check IKEA Supplier Sustainability Index reports  


·         Do the verification of SSI report with suppliers and business teams  


·         Conduct meeting with suppliers and business team in face to face way or by phone


·         Give inputs of action plans to biz team & suppliers  


·         Do the aggregation of SSI result  


·         Give inputs to the improvement of SSI tool  


·         Analyse and summarize data result, visualize main outcomes in graphs and explain the meaning of it


·         Also need to work with suppliers and business team in South Asia and/or South East Asia





·         With Environment engineering, resource (energy, water saving technology) or other sustainability background is preferred  


·         A second major or knowledge in communication  is an advantage  


·         Fluent English Speaking skill. knowledge of other languages is an advantage


·         Good communication skill in face to face situations, by phone, and by email  


·         Good knowledge about Excel, PPT and other office software.  


·         Like to work with sustainability data in excel spreadsheets  


·         Be willing to support team, open and positive attitude  


·         Humble, down to earth  


·         Good time management and respect deadlines



Employment Period  



·         6 months  


·         Average 3 days a week  


·         Starting from Dec. 2018 is preferred  


Contact Person: Selina Xie  


·         18680682008  


·         Wechat: selinaxhj  






BEAT365唯一官网  邮编:518071 电话:0755-26536141


BEAT365唯一官网是理工类综合学院,成立于2006年8月,其历史可追溯至1985年建立的beat365体育官网平台应用化学系和1995年建立的beat365体育官网平台师范学院化学与生物学系,现设有化学系、环境工程系、食品科学与工程系以及新能源科学与工程系  点击查看更多>>

