“Seminar on the current status of and development suggestions for China’s vegetable protein based vegetarian food deep-processing industry” convened in Shanghai

Author: Date: 2020-11-11 14:45 click: [ ]

On Sept. 26, 2020, the “Seminar on the current status of and development suggestions for China’s vegetable protein based vegetarian food deep-processing industry” (the Seminar) hosted by Food Science and Processing Research Center, Shenzhen University was convened in Shanghai. Experts and corporate representatives in the field of vegetable protein based vegetarian food attended the meeting. Wu Qi and Yang Yuliang, two fellows with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Deputy Director Yu Hejun, attended the seminar and delivered their speeches.

The seminar is based on the CAS consulting project “Current status of and development suggestions for China’s vegetable protein based vegetarian food deep-processing industry” with academician Wu Qi as the responsible person. The purpose of the project is to get an informed understanding of the current status of China’s vegetable protein based vegetarian food deep-processing industry, put forward suggestions to relevant national departments for considerations, and call for national strategy that provides policies and resources for better development of the industry. According to academician Wu Qi, food processing and polymer material processing shall be combined to promote the food processing researches and industry upgrading. Academician Yang Yuliang provided comments on the project report; and pointed out that more attention shall be focused on the positive benefits of vegetable protein production on the environment, the diversity of deep-processed vegetable protein based vegetarian foods and the nutrition contents. The regulation of vegetable protein structure shall be realized to develop diversified foods that are suitable for different consumer groups.

In the second part of the seminar, several experts and corporate representatives delivered keynote speeches concerning full production chain of vegetable protein deep processing. Professor Guo Shuntang with China Agricultural University, Xue Yan, the Secretary-general of China Plant Based Foods Alliance (CPBFA), Xue Hongjun, the CEO of Shenzhen Qishan Foods Company Limited, and Miao Mengxun, the business director of GFI Consultancy, provided a review of the development history and current condition of vegetable protein based vegetarian food industry and put forward their suggestions for and predictions of future development. Professor Chen Jie with Jiangnan University, Professor Yang Xiaoquan with South China University of Technology, and Professor An Hongzhou with Henan University of Technology, explored the technology of vegetarian meat quality and structure regulation from the perspective of vegetable protein structure. Jiang Xuhai, the General Manager of Henan Baichuan Foods Company Limited, Liu Jishan, the President of Shandong Wonderful Biotech Company Limited, and Qiao Quansheng, the food and beverage global R&D director of Dupont Nutrition and Biotech, analyzed current status, challenges and outlook of vegetable protein deep-processing industry from the perspective of food manufacturers, and talked about the opportunities and challenges in diversification of vegetable protein products. Professor Zou Xiaobo with Jiangsu University, Associate Professor Wu Min with China Agricultural University, Professor Fang Yapeng with Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Kang Xinkai, the R&D director of Youhui International delivered reports on vegetable protein based vegetarian foods and vegetarian meats from the perspectives of food nondestructive test, vegetable protein twin-screw extrusion technology, nutritional health and specific product analysis etc.

At the end of the seminar, all attendees including experts, corporate representatives and students made lively communication and discussions concerning the technical issues and challenges in vegetable protein deep-processing industry. New ideas generated in the discussions are expected to promote research-industry cooperation in the future. Results of the seminar will provide insightful concepts and solutions for the development of China’s vegetable protein based vegetarian food deep-processing industry, promote industry-university-research cooperation, boost industry growth, and set solid basis for future development.

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The School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering of Shenzhen University was established in August 2006. Its history can be traced back to the Department of Applied Chemistry of Shenzhen University established in 1985 and the Department of Chemistry and Biology of Teachers College of Shenzhen University established in 1995.