Shenzhen Key Lab of Environmental Chemistry and Ecological Remediation

Author: Date: 2023-09-14 14:13 click: [ ]

Shenzhen Key LabofEnvironmental Chemistry and Ecological Remediationwas established in August 2016, focusingonhighlyprecise analysis and monitoring technologyforemerging contaminants, evaluation technologyforcontaminants environmental chemical behavior and toxicity , pollution control chemistry and new oxidation/reduction/adsorption technology, as well as ecological remediation of black and odorous water body and polluted soil.More than 10 national projects including National Science and Technology Major Project, National Key Research and Development Program,andthe National Natural Science Foundationwith more than 20 million CNY of funds in totalhave been performed,andhas applied for more than 10 patents and published more than 50 papers in top international journals of environment field such as Environmental Science & Technology, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental and Water Research.2faculty members have received the title of“Thousand-hundred-ten Talentsprogram of Guangdong province”.

Contact us
Address:No 1066,Xueyuan Rd., Xili, Nanshan District,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China
About SZU
The School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering of Shenzhen University was established in August 2006. Its history can be traced back to the Department of Applied Chemistry of Shenzhen University established in 1985 and the Department of Chemistry and Biology of Teachers College of Shenzhen University established in 1995.